As the number of Telegram channels grows daily, so does the competition for advertisers' attention. One effective way to make your channel stand out to potential clients on is by earning the Super Admin status!
The Super Admin status is a new feature on the platform that signifies your channel has passed a rigorous quality check, ensuring it meets high content standards.
In addition, this status indicates that your channel is actively fulfilling orders on the platform, making it especially appealing to advertisers seeking reliable partnerships.
Benefits of Becoming a Super Admin
⚡️ Boosted Rating Points: When you achieve Super Admin status, your channel immediately gains an extra 5 rating points, helping you climb the catalog faster and catch advertisers' attention. For more details on how the catalog rating is calculated, check out our article.
⚡️ Increased Order Volume: The Super Admin status enhances your channel's visibility on the platform: with a ‘Rocket’ icon on your channel card, a rating boost, and inclusion in the exclusive ‘Super Admin’ filter, you'll stand out in the catalog and attract more orders.
How to Activate Super Admin Status
Becoming a Super Admin is straightforward—just follow these steps:
Activate three or more ad formats on your channel (you can do this in the ‘My Channels and Chats’ section of your channel settings).
Connect the Telegram notification bot (instructions provided).
Actively accept and complete orders on the platform.
Once all conditions are met, the status will be activated automatically.
Achieving the Super Admin status is an important step in increasing your channel's appeal to advertisers. Complete the simple steps, activate the status, and take advantage of all the benefits to boost your order flow.
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